Brian's Bits

By Kanyl

Sad ... But Nice

We live sufficiently near here that a visit for a cuppa and shopping expedition nicely fills an afternoon.

Herself had some allergy tests done recently which will necessitate some slight ? dietary changes. Like no wheat, dairy, pork, coffee and one or two more.
BUGGER no more bacon butties.
So part of the shop was that way orientated (Oriented to you transatlantic furriners) to that and part ... time off and a cuppa.

Every time we go I see, and pay homage to, this plaque set in the paving, but out of foot-fall.

It's sad that anybody goes, but it's something we all get perfect at, without any practice if we're lucky.

I just keep thinking she must have been a marvellous lass. And what a nice gesture by the firm.

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