Journal of Jackie

By Jackie18


back blipped 12/6/13.
On Monday Rafi deteriorated , his muscle tone increased, he looked very uncomfortable, was restless and then had what the nurses thought was a seizure. The doctor was called and they were worried he might have a blocked or infected shunt. The ambulance called and we had the blue lights to Epsom hospital where Rafi was sent for a CT scan. To cut a long and stressful story short(ish) Rafi was sent with an anaesthetist under blue lights again to St George's hospital . It was decided that he didn't have a shunt problem and the most likely cause of the abnormal movements that he was experiencing was a dystonia caused by some medication that he is on.
The medication was stopped but we had to spend 2 nights at St George's ( a very cramped and understaffed hospital ) I took no change of clothes for myself!!
My fab cousin Sue had come to visit us in Tadworth and was a great support, think I would have buckled without her. (Thanks also to Pete and Sarah for helping with transport)
I am pleased to say that apart from a bad cough he's much better and a great deal calmer and is back in his bed at Tadworth (and fast asleep as I write this ) .I have showered and drunk wine. Kiera has come down for a few days and I'm so pleased to have her here.

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