
By LadyFindhorn

Eratigena Atrica….RIP

This house spider could very well have been the one attempting access to my house via the letter box last week or possibly the one trying to scuttle in at mat level as I opened the door. On each occasion I contemplated rehoming the intruder via the courtesy of a tumbler and card ride to the garden but was it was too time consuming when I was actually on my way out. 

Whatever befell this one, I swear I had no hand in its demise but it is well and truly brown bread dead. I have not removed it from the corridor outside my door and neither has there been any other attempt by the hall cleaner, and so it lies with its long legs neatly folded waiting for disposal. I wonder where the spirits of dead spiders go- the bible doesn’t elucidate on that one.

My grandson duly appeared just after midnight last night and was up (as was I) at 5:45am this morning.
He had a bowl of muesli and left at 6:15am to get to the station and catch the 6:45am train to Glasgow with two rolls to eat en route. His parents and twin sister drove home through the night to Elgin. I imagine they would have even less sleep than Fin. I went back to bed for 2 hours!

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