River of Flowers

By doffy

Monday: Bramley Apple Harvest

Another bright and chilly morning, the sun stayed with us all day … but MrD said there’s a storm heading our way … we’ll have to make the most of this beautiful weather!

We gathered some of the Bramleys which were still on the tree, then I sorted the damaged from the intact fruit. Removed any debris from around the stalks, rubbed the apples gently with a damp cloth, then dried them and left them in their trays in the sunshine to finish them off - the trays are now in the garage and I’ll check the apples regularly for any signs of insects or mould … we’ll see how long they last! There are still a good amount of apples which will have to be used pretty quickly because of bird and insect damage …

My next job was to prune a few more branches from the yellow leaved elderflower and the clematis which is smothering it, needs another hour or so then should be done … not today …

Last job of the day was to cut back Japanese anemone along the top path and to scrape the moss and soil - I’m sure the little birds have enjoyed scratching around for little snacks :-)

Love and hugs to all my family XXXX XXX XX

Nos da pawb / goodnight all xx

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