Box Tree Moth (Cydalima perspectalis)

This beautiful specimen was on the inside of the front door so I thought ‘blip’ and then opened the door to let it fly free. Unfortunately I can now identify it as the Box Tree Moth whose caterpillars are wrecking havoc in our shaped box bushes.

I saw Charlotte (physio) again today and she wasn’t happy with my scar not having entirely healed at the lower end. She applied some more steri- strips but they flex and bulge away from the wound whenever I sit or do the small squat exercises that are part of my recovery. We aren’t sure what to do about it but for now she’s said to keep my walking limited to 1.5km until it’s healed :-( On the other hand, this week’s physio exercises are definitely more challenging; mostly about balance and core on a Bosu and some stepping exercises on blocks.

Later I enjoyed a lovely catch up phone call with Itth, each sharing our stories of decrepitude lol, before visiting Go Outdoors with Tony who’d like some winter clothing for his birthday. I found it surprisingly tiring but still haven’t managed to go to bed early. I am my own worst enemy.

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