
By mollymay49


I think today's topic or Challenge is the trick question? For me WRITING is not just text from a book or writings in a journal, is it DDW? its more about the Writing in Photography. After a google search i found photography comes from the Greek word Photo meaning light and Graph meaning writing, in photography this means writing is about the photo itself and what the eye sees,
"the eye does the writing" .....
I'm not sure i have come up with the right photo to fill the challenge? or even the write conclusion, but this is my take on it...
A shot down at the marina early this morning, before shopping!! :-)
I blipped the boat moorings as the sun was just up casting light on the boats and the water. There was a front coming in at that time, since then it dispersed which sometimes happens, that's why the weathermen get it wrong more often than they are right! so now fellow blippers you need to let your eye be drawn to something in what you see above and make your own story from it...
It's tough being the first with the blips, i may have just made a complete fool of myself! And i should have just blipped the news paper! Chuckle :-) hope your day is a good one?

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