
By Ellaphant

Breda Mural 17 -- Fellenoord Area & The Mark

The flight to Geneva was scheduled for very late in the afternoon, and I wasn't sure about the weather conditions in Geneva, or even at Schiphol Airport, so, to be sure, shot this mural first.

It reflects the dynamic neighbourhood known locally as the Fellenoord, and also depicts how the Mark river has affected the life and times of the inhabitants.  It is a pretty and peaceful mural with many of my favourite colours.

Back home, quite a bit of housekeeping in preparation for my short trip.  I will be gone only for two days, but I wanted AW to be comfortable, especially as he now has a sore throat and cough with a bit of a cold.  He will be out tonight, though, for the usual Tuesday evening bridge, but people do not talk very much (they're not allowed to!) during bridge tournaments anyway.  He will take care of himself, that I know.

After the flurry of activity and even some supermarket errands, AW drove me to the station.  The trains all left on time, and my EasyJ flight took off, and landed in Geneva, on the dot as well.  Took the train to the city centre and just opted for a cab to the B&B as I was just too tired, and it was too dark, to look for the apartment on foot.

So now I'm just resting in my room.  Thankful for reliable schedules and for the fact that it wasn't raining.  Reasonable weather predicted for tomorrow, something I'm looking forward to.  Given the fact that I ended up here by myself, unplanned, with no cancellation options, I fully intend to enjoy myself.  As has been proven already on numerous occasions, I'm quite capable of having fun on my own.  Thankful for adventurous genes!

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