
By hazelh

Pholiota squarrosa

The mushroom du jour is pholiota squarrosa. It is commonly known as the shaggy scalycap, the shaggy pholiota, or the scaly pholiota. I photographed these ones on my way home from the gym this morning.

The main, and most unwelcome, excitement of the day was at lunchtime when our kitchen was flooded from the flat upstairs. Two electricians and a joiner working on the renovations* there today were not paying attention to the unplumbed water supply in one of the new bathrooms. A bucket overflowed, emptying its contents onto the bathroom floor, which then found their way through our kitchen ceiling. The electrician has isolated one of our lighting circuits so that - for the time being - we have romantic lamplight in several of our rooms.

This afternoon I continued the task of writing feedback comments on version 2 of Marina's literature review chapter for her PhD thesis, then held an online supervision meeting with her and Pete. Marina and I have agreed to meet again on campus tomorrow morning - with a whiteboard and coloured pens...

* This work started in June. It will last into next month at least. They are switching around the master bedroom and kitchen, installing two new bathrooms, replumbing, rewiring, replacing the central heating, installing new windows, and laying new floors. When they reach the point of decorating, the worker will now have to deal with our kitchen. There is already other minor flood damage to deal with in our bedroom from earlier in the renovation programme, also on the list.

Exercise today: 1 hour on the exercise bike; aquafit class; strength training; walking (12,255 steps).

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