Can't believe it's the middle of June!

"Britain doesn't have a climate, it just has weather" and "If you don't like the weather in England just wait a little while and it will change".
There must be many more sayings about our weather but when I got Jonty's jacket out this morning he looked at me as if to say "What on earth are you doing, it's the middle of June"!

I may not be able to blip for a while as my Olympus has gone back to the support team for repair (of the same problem) and the Canon Powershot doesn't work apart from video and sometimes in poor light. If I take a shot in normal light it is massively overexposed!
So, unless I can do something with the Canon I may have to wait for the Olympus to come back.
I've been using Julia's iPhone the past few days but she's back tonight so she'll be taking it away with her.

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