
By LadyFindhorn

Babet Visits Lister Square

Had I not had a double jag appointment for Covid and Flu this morning at 9:14am (only a computer could think up that exact timing!), I might have considered turning over and staying a-bed. There was lashing rain as I zipped myself into my raincoat and strode forth opting to wade down to Princes street rather than wait for a bus. 

Arriving at 9:04 precisely I expected to be at the head of the queue but other people had the same idea and I had to take my turn giving me time to see how other people can remain so un prepared as they wait for what is going to happen. There was a man just in front of me , an older man but probably not as old as me who waited in his outdoor clothing until the nurse had the syringe filled and then had to remove slowly and carefully  an anorak, a jumper and a shirt with buttons. I suppose we  should have been grateful his under vest did not have long sleeves. The queue all the while standing waiting patiently with sleeves able to be rolled up quickly at the first sight of action.

Then it was over the road to M&S for a prolonged coffee with the daughter- neither of us eager to sample the weather outside. Finally I made it home to find Lister Square wet and deserted. I put on my baffies for a day indoors, but what do you know, the sun has appeared and there is blue sky. It’s all too late - I’ve marzipanned my second Christmas cake and eaten all the off cuts. Quite put me off my tea!

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