
By pensionspoet

Busy sunday

What other type of Sunday is there? I got up when Jon and Henry went out to archery, grabbed a cup of tea in my thermos cup, and collected things together for the allotment. Cycled up there (tyres were quite flat, and battery low) then spent 2 hours digging over the small bed that contained my very small potatoes. Based on this year's haul, I won't bother next year. I just don't know why they didn't grow, considering how much rain we had, but with the heavy clay soil it is impossible to earth them up. So I will rethink what I plant next year. I still have curly kale, purple sprouting broccoli and I think Brussels sprouts which I hope will grow through the winter. It was back breaking just digging over the small bed, with Bessie looking on. She has decided it's too cold now to lay, but she is still happy wandering free range.

At home I had coffee with Jon then he went to do 2 hours in David's garden while I did the same in ours. I haven't touched it since spring and the ground elder has taken over...that's where the bind weed hasn't. I weeded a small area on the path to the French Quarter. The weather was lovely and I even got some washing dried outside.

At 3pm I came in the spend the rest of the day on the sofa. Really achy, so a nice hot bath this evening. Have started to sort photos to put something together for a project I'm going to work on over the next few weeks. Something off my list!

Some tv before bed!

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