
By FlyingPRGal

Margarita time

A boring admin day at my desk. Frustrated at a work project that didn’t come off. I wish the strikes would hurry up and get resolved so I can get back to the bigger projects.

Quick swim early evening then over to a friends for a “cocktail party”. Her 21 year old son wanted to practise his “mixologist” skills on us.

I turned up in my cycling shorts and trainers with wet hair from the pool to find a margarita thrust into my hand by my sozzled flying instructor. I had completely forgotten about the evening due to my mind being focused on work (industry) situation.

Sat drinking water the rest of the evening (I was driving) and giggling. Arrived home after midnight. Went to bed hungry then lay awake most of the night. Note to self a margarita and handful of pretzels is not sufficient nutrition after swimming.

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