Life in Sunny Dubai

By GadgetKid

Mixed Bag

Well. I received my passport WITH a 2 year UAE Residence Visa first thing this morning! Prior to that, I had a message from my sister SweetArt469 saying her application for a US visit visa had been approved so she is going on holiday to America for the first time ever! Great start to the day.

Went with our friend Suguna to Northern Emirate Sharjah this afternoon to say goodbye to the Chaplain at Sharjah church. He has retired. The top left picture is the little gathering. The top right picture is a much better proportioned Etisalat (Telco) building!!! Couldn't resist taking a photograph of it!

The bottom right picture is a fork-lift truck driver going home. He is in the fast lane. I didn't think vehicles like this were allowed on the open road. I'd hate to get stuck behind him; and lastly - air-multipliers with a twist!! No idea who would buy an apple shaped fan, but there obviously is a demand for it. As for the little pink baby one... well, that's just CUTE and Suguna actually bought one! It's even operated by remote control. All of this done whilst being chauffer driven in a Lincoln Town Car! Back in Dubai, we then had one of our favourite Indian meals before walking home.

Sorry, I have not got to bed much before 2am for the last few nights and beein waking at normal time... need an early night. I know, it's the weekend! Terrible!! Catch up with you ASAP.

PS. Got handed an envelope with old photos... the furthest going back to 1992 at SweetArt469s wedding... my mum and dad together in a picture... others with a much younger (and thinner) me and G with lots more hair!!! Aren't photographs wonderful things??! :)

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