Trixie's Adventures

By TrixieTheCollie

Not much exercise today

This morning I only trekked round the streets on my lead for about half an hour because it was raining. Also, Ann said that we were going to go out for the whole afternoon and have an adventure together.

Mmmmm.................... sometimes Ann lies to me!

This morning I got left 'home alone' while she went off to 'Waverley Mall' to get her Covid & Flu jabs. As she was in town she decided to have a mooch around the shops. Not that there are many shops left on Princes Street these days. After wandering around H&M, TKMax, Superdrug and Primark; there really wasn't anywhere else to go. When she thinks back to the 1970s................ Princes St, used to be one of the best shopping streets in the UK. Not any more!!!

Anyway the whole of the time she was doing this, it was pouring with rain, so by the time she came home she was pretty wet. After lunch she said, 'Trixie, I think we'll cancel going on a big adventure today. Let's watch an hour of 'Classic EastEnders' and then have a snooze'. So that is what we did.

At about 3pm I went out for another walk but it was still raining so I only went out for about 45 mins. I went to Morningside Park (in this Blip) but it wasn't really very exciting. Ann says that life can't be exciting all the time.

Now I'm back in my bed having more snooze time and Ann's watching 'Four in a bed' while she helps me write my Blip. …...........And while we're on the subject of 'Four in a bed'...................... does anyone else find this trend of having a big posh bath in the bedroom a bit weird? Why would you want a bath in a bedroom. Ann just doesn't understand why anyone would want to do that. She gets the bit where you go away on a romantic break and might want to share a bath. But why would you want to have it in the bedroom. It's wrong. All wrong. What do you think Blippers?

Oh and I'll just give you a bit of an update on the matted bits of fur on my rear end. (See yesterday's Blip). Last night whilst I was snoozing, Ann kept trying to cut little bits off me with scissors. Amazingly, I let her do it. Normally I go crazy when anyone tries to touch me there, which is why Ann asked the vet to do it. Ann managed to cut loads of the matted bits out but now I really do need to be cut with the clippers to get the last little bits cut off. As someone on Blip commented; I should have just gone to a professional groomers in the first place. But hindsight is a great thing?!! Ann is still traumatised about hearing me yelp in pain yesterday. She's dreading taking me back to the vets on Friday, but is trying to overcome her anxiety, so that she doesn't radiate negative vibes to me.

…................If anyone is interested...................... it's still raining and our weather app is showing rain for the rest of our life.  Boo hoooo!

Happy Wednesday evening Blippers. xx

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