
By MumOf4Wildlings


Well not long after I uploaded to blip yesterday.  The hospital called and cancelled the jedi's GA . 
I had arranged weeks ago for my friend Katie from work to come to Mabie farm park with us so told Mr R he could just go to the office for a while. Especially as hrs taking time off tomorrow for a day together.  
The wildlings had a blast with Katie. She's so nurturing and gentle natured. And I have a real soft spot for her. She's a middle child and her siblings have autism.  So she gets things from a professional and personal side. We all had great fun. And her surname is WILD. so she is a bigger wildling.  

Mr R picked us all up amd drove me to my appointment.  They were running over a hour behind.  But I was seen . The consultant was lovely.  He says the screws have slipped and he can see what looks like a bacterial infection in the bone. He zoomed in on the xray and showed me some kind of halo. To me it was just screws and bone. Hehe. Anyway he's got me down as a P2 case which should mean I won't have to wait too long. I learned something new today..... I stupidly said " oh it will feel strange to bend the toe after all those years "...... nope. Even once the screws are removed my toe will remain straight.  

We're just through the door and the wildlings are starving.  
Catch up when I can. 

Oh and the Jedi wants a little llama ( goat). He spent over a hour with them, feeding them, chatting to them like friends do and hugging them. Sweet extra 

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