
By KCNQ2Haiku

Make your own pizza

Rip the chorizo,
then chop the mozzarella,
now just... assemble.

We bought Ben a ready made pizza base for tea, he was able to rip up bits of salami and chorizo and add some mozzarella, he was a happy bunny.  
It's been a busy day, we had a big 3.5 mile walk this morning, Leo was in his element!  Suffice it to say he has sniffed a lot of sheep poo.  I was amused by us walking through a field of sheep who were blocking our path and the 'ring leader' appeared to be wearing a sheep version of a dog harness (I guess that's probably a Sheep Harness.. but who knew that was a thing??) 
It was a walk we'd done before in the summer time, so it was interesting to see it in a different season, Ben was tired and we had to fight off a few hypos but he loves climbing stiles, so it was mostly a success.  

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