This is the day

By wrencottage

A sight for sore eyes ...

I’ve spent a lot of time in the kitchen today, making a couple of apple crumbles (one for the freezer) and a couple of lemon cakes (ditto) as well as a batch of granola for immediate consumption. Now my back is aching, so I’m having a short break before starting on supper. 

This is the acer outside Smithers’ study window. He went into his study yesterday for the first time in a long time, and discovered that his Filofax diary was still open at 30th August – the day of his first cataract operation. I do think it’s a sign that he’s making gradual progress that he chose to go into his study and sit at his desk, and I was so pleased that he was able to read the open diary page. I can’t wait for him to be able to see well enough to use his laptop again, and read books as well. At the moment he can just about manage to watch television in the evening, but only for a short time, because it tires him so much trying to get his eyes to focus properly.

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