Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

A curious pup

We left home in good time this morning, at 6.20am, to drive to Norfolk for the weekend. On our way there I got an email about my grocery delivery which I had booked for 1pm, to let me know that there were a couple of substitutions, so we stopped off in Saffham so I could get what I needed from Waitrose (the substitutions were not suitable).

As soon as we arrived we went to the beach with Xena. Well, Gavin sat in the car for an hour having meetings and calls, while I walked with Xena on the beach. She loves chasing after her ball on the soft sand. We walked along the beach to the creek where I knew the seals would be, and I sat watching them for a while and taking photos. This curious pup - think it is a pup from last season - swam right up to us and was lifting it's head right out the water to see Xena, who was not at all curious about it as she was too busy digging in the sand and trying to bury her ball and then flicking it out again. It was a beautiful day on the beach, the morning mist lifted and it was mild and sunny (see extra) with not a breath of wind which is unusual. 

As it was half term there were more people on the beach than usual, but you can see from the extra how quiet it was! We love that the beach is never too over crowded here.

After the walk I waited for the grocery delivery, and then we had lunch. Gavin worked all afternoon while I edited photos, and then I planned to go out for the sunset but it started raining. However I have just looked out the window and in spite of the rain there was a lovely sunset which I missed. 

Tommy is now in Edinburgh (and thankfully did not miss his flight), Luke arrives here later tonight as he is coming by train after work, and Adam arrives tomorrow morning. 

We will be watching the rugby later tonight, I hope England wins!

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