Kaybees Bits

By Kaybee

The Tunnel

I had an optician's appointment this morning shortly before 10am.
However, while I was having breakfast and got a request for a pick-up at the other side of town .......
No problem - an hour at the optician, do the pick-up, drop it off and go and get fuel ........ easy.


The optician was running late then I had to wait until a machine was free to do the periphery vision test. Then I had to do it again .... and I have to go back another day to have my eyebrows taped up to do it again to see if I am okay to drive!!! Apparently I missed the 4 spots right at the top. Do they really matter for driving? Unless something is coming through the car roof there is nothing ever going to come into my periphery vision up there.

Due to the drops I had put in my eyes SWMBO had to drive.
That never goes well.
We both get very nervous when I am in the passenger seat.
It wasn't helped by the horrendous traffic and the filthy weather.
However, we got to  Costco safely if later than expected - so we went and had a burger for lunch.
By the time we came out my eyes were back to normal, so I was back in the drivers' seat. The weather had improved a bit too - but the traffic was still solid and at a crawl, so I headed home by a route which allowed me to keep my sanity. I stopped at Colinton and went for a wander through the tunnel as I heard that it had had a recent facelift. It is a bit more vibrant now (5 Pictures Here).

The trees outside Balerno were looking glorious, but I wasn't in a position to stop and get any shots (I may be going out tomorrow morning!).

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