
By Bom


I did another couple of hours of volunteering this morning, this time at Spout Hills. We were working in the wetter area which the public avoid and is more like a wild meadow, raking up the cut grass and wheelbarrowing it away. I definitely needed my wellies today. I came across several small frogs in the wettest part, plus this big fella who was trying to bury himself in the mud - very glad I didn’t injure him. There were 7 of us volunteers in total. I do find some people odd, a lady watched as her dog ran over into the bit where we were working throwing out very large rakes, didn’t call the dog back despite the risk of injury to it, came over and put it on the lead and without saying a word walked right through our working party rather than back to the path! Again, quite heavy work, so I relaxed and watched some tv this afternoon, including a horror film which was more like a comedy! Just checked in on my bird box with a camera and a blue tit is checking it out, presumably to roost in over winter - must know the clocks are changing :) A lovely day, but heavy rain is forecast this evening. 

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