
By PorridgeWog

Rain again (Day 3092)

A marginally later start meant Sigyn's first wander if the day happened at first light.
A bit later I headed to Stromness to look at a job changing a cold water storage tank and moving it to a new location in the loft. Speaking to the customer I am fairly sure this wouldn't be an ideal solution to the problem they have and I am fairly sure they will ask me to change them to a mains pressure hot water system. It is always best to discuss lots of options with the customer.
Along to the horses next, and it rained the entire time I was stuffing hay nets. I was too warm in waterproofs, but it was too wet to be without them. Fiddling with the quad will have to wait for a dry day.
Home to take Sigyn out again as the weather improved, then lunch and an afternoon of not a lot.
Sigyn and I are awaiting the return of my beautiful wife from her adventures overseas.

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