
By Hamp5on

Coffee shops and Cathedrals

The day started with an amazing cinnamon and hazelnut pastry from the local bakery... A good way to begin the day! We had a brilliant talk from Maxi who leads the Lorretto movement in Vienna... I then went straight to have lunch with a couple I've not seen since before we lived in Ibiza - they did some cross cultural training with us. Brilliant to catch up with them. Then raced back to the venue for a seminar led by Danny's tutor he had for his Masters dissertation! Lovely to meet her afterwards - Lucy Peppiatt. And then back into town to this gorgeous cathedral for the evening meeting. Even the tram ride was peopley - I bumped into the couple who run 24-7 in Rotterdam who I've been getting to know on zoom but never met face to face.
A great and significant night in the beautiful cathedral... The singing and music was especially beautiful there.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Lunch with the Wilcocks.
2) Another day filled with special moments.
3) Lots of laughter. 

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