
By Hamp5on

Ibiza in Vienna

We had our last morning at The Gathering... Gemma and I packed up and left our little flat that's served us well these past few days. I'm happy to report that the wonderful bakery near our place was open for one last coffee and amaaazing pastry!
The meeting this morning was so so encouraging, challenging, inspiring etc etc... There's a lot to process and pray on.
Loads of hugs goodbye with various people. 
My flights home were smooth... I was meant to have hours waiting in Palma but as I got to the interisland terminal I saw a flight for ibiza had just boarded and was leaving in 10 minutes. Unbelievably they let me swap my ticket as there was a seat. So in the end I made it home in time to say goodnight to the kids!! And to give my in laws a big hug! They've just arrived for a couple of days...

Blipped are a few of this summer's ibiza volunteers who were also at the Gathering. 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Grateful for so much. For a time of encouragement and connection and hearing God speak to me.
2) Feeling reconnected to 24-7 Prayer.
3) Being home safely. 

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