The Next Chapter!

By carol_dunham

Just Why?

An interesting night with the wee one…he woke before I went to bed so I made him some toast and gave him more milk as he hadn’t eaten much and dosed him with Calpol as he was full of cold. He was up and down and coughing throughout the night but slept until 9am. A packed breakfast kept him in bed for another hour before he realised it was daylight! A chance encounter with one of my nephews and his family this afternoon when I dropped a parcel at Go Outdoors as I took the wee one home.

After I was dropped home I made a trip to the bottle bank then carried on around the point to see the high tide then decided to go home put my wellies on and walk the prom! It was like a scene from Apocalypse…I’ve never actually seen the prom being breached before. The foam where I took my extra was over the welly tops…I walked through it anyway!

My blip was found in the Go Outdoors car park. Thanks to Marlieske for hosting Derelict Sunday.

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