
By amandoAlentejo

Chia Up!

A very hardy looking plant started growing beside one of my yellow roses, taking advantage of the watering. Loathe to pull things up before I know what they are, I left it... it has now grown to well over two metres high, branched out all over, and covered in these pretty deep blue flowers... and I have found out that it is chia - which we eat every day in our kefir. The washings get thrown on the garden, so not surprising one has grown, I guess.

Today has felt particularly depressing, for some reason. Grey skies most of the day, but not just that. If the news is getting you down, here is a resource our daughter has put together to help us pray for peace. Even if you're not a pray-er normally, there are some ideas that might help, especially the praying with art section, or with children if you have kids. Here and here are how she did it.

- amazing red sky at the end of the day, and geese honking across the still, shining Lake
- a morning contacting all the folk I've neglected all summer
- Paul not having cancer!

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