Ponies, pheasants and rabbits.....

.......on my walk to matting group yesterday afternoon. You have to look carefully for the smaller creatures but there were plenty of them scattered around the field.
I haven't been to matting for a few months and was undecided  whether I would return. I'm pleased I did as I have a lot of friends there who can always make me feel good, not just about the world in general but about myself too. It's good to be part of a caring community. I spent a couple of hours sorting out the fabric cupboard which no-one else seems to enjoy so it was rather a mess!
Before lunch I moved all my potted strawberry plants into the green house where they will reside for the winter. I also removed all the 'saucers' from the plant pots round the garden as the poor plants were becoming waterlogged and looking a bit sad. They will remain 'saucerless' until the spring when we will hopefully have some dry weather.
I also sorted transport for mum for her hospital appointment on Monday. She hadn't had a bad day either so all in all I had a very good day.

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