Castell Coch

It's rained on and off all day today, I kept myself busy with domestic stuff, chatting to friends and then took myself off to the local pub for lunch :-) I waited for a dry spell which didn't arrive until about 19:00, I headed out to Castell Coch which is about 5 miles from me. I walked up the hill set up the camera on the tripod and the heavens opened, I went into my camera bag and I'd given my shower cap to a friend in the week, within seconds the camera looked like this so I cut things short and walked back to the car soaking, the things we do to get a blip!

But it's Friday and I'm enjoying a G&T while I catch up on you all. Have a lovely weekend my friends.

Many thanks for the hearts stars, comments and throwing Eric into the Spotlight, we were very pleased :-)

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