Living my dream

By Mima

Bunny 1: Bean 0

This morning’s perambulation of the property (a regular post-coffee habit) turned into huge excitement for Bean when a rabbit got up in front of her nose as we walked through the orchard. The silly thing ran round and round Chez Mima, using all the paths I’ve carefully cut through the long grass, and across the lawn, up and down the drive – with Bean hot on its tail.

At one point the bunny ran straight at me, putting on its brakes when it saw a human. Bean wasn’t so alarmed at my presence and carried on running – straight over the rabbit, knocking it over in the process. It’s as close as she’s ever come to actually catching one, but of course she didn’t. It shot off in the direction it had just come from, and Bean did a handbrake turn to get back onto its trail.
The chase went on for a good 10 minutes until the rabbit found a hole under the fence by the plant nursery. I found Bean there, hunkered down with her head deep underground and her tail wagging furiously. Sadly I didn’t have my camera with me to record the ridiculous sight. 

She slept motionless for over an hour when she finally gave up the vigil by the hole.

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