Living my dream

By Mima


It has almost been a day off. I did collect milk early on, and then fixed down the sides of the fruit net with huge old rafters which I heaved and wrangled out of their winter shed. However, other than that …

My book didn’t come out though, because Bean and I had an engagement in Moeraki - and two walks en route.

We met three friends for lunch at The Fishwife; a kai moana (seafood) food shack on the wharf. Crayfish and chips was my choice, and it was delicious.

Rain and thunder had been forecast all day and it looked touch and go whether we’d be able to eat outdoors, but happily it held off until we’d caught up on almost all the stuff we wanted to say to each other. We had a wonderful conversation and I left feeling so very fortunate that they are part of my personal community, my whanau (family).

This was the view just as I bundled Bean into the car and we beat a retreat back to Chez Mima, being chased by huge thunderheads.

There’s been sun, thunder and rain since we got home. I’m glad I got my tasks done first thing.

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