Everyday Life

By Julez


I was on the ball early today as I had an appointment to have my frizzy barnet sorted out. Sharon coloured it, cut off a bit more than normal and used me as a guinea pig for a new anti frizz product they have been given to test by a company. My verdict would be that it is "OK." My hair looks a bit less like well-worn Brillo pads, but that is as much because of some of the worst having been chopped off and Sharon's excellent blow-drying skills as the product. It would probably be great for someone whose hair is slightly crimpy, but maybe not a more severe case like mine! 

Also today I've contacted a solicitor to discuss setting up Court of Protection for my Mum. I'm just waiting to hear back from them now. With this and all the other official practicalities I have had to deal with over the past couple of weeks my constant general feeling of not really having a clue what I'm doing is more acute than ever!

Minstrel has just upended his new litter tray all over the floor. It really is not a very good tray. It's small even for a little cat like Minstrel. I cleaned it all up whilst he had a zoomies session around the house!

My photo was taken just a short while ago - the sky outside looked so pretty!

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