
By SparseRunner


I had an event to attend in the centre of Edinburgh at 10:00, so I set my alarm to wake me at 07:00, since I needed time to eat breakfast, walk Django, have a shower, and get a bus. I didn't need the alarm, as I had the usual endorphin-driven, dodgy night's sleep after running, and was awake "naturally" at 06:40. Combining this with jetlag wasn't great...

However, I was rewarded with very pretty early light, and was glad of some green leaves to enhance this view in the Estate. I got to the event in time, and avoided going to sleep during five short but interesting talks by colleagues, but then I wasn't in the best state to start talking to people about arrangements for our workshop. Fortunately I avoided showing my displeasure when one potential venue said that they were "fully booked for 2024" when their calendar indicates only one event! 

Back home, I had an hour or two's sleep - which may set back my recovery from jetlag, but it was the only way I'd be able to get any work done for the rest of the day. 

In the afternoon, I had a call from И who had remembered my (59th) birthday. Tonight I'm out celebrating with A and at least one daughter...

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