Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Swan lake

Last night there were strong displays of the aurora borealis over many parts of the country, even as far south as in Kent. I have seen some wonderful aurora images on social media which were taken in Norfolk where it seemed to be very strong last night, some were taken as early as between 5.30 and 6.30pm. It's a good location as you can get interesting foregrounds there, which is necessary to get a good aurora photo. Solar activity reaches a peak over a cycle of a few years and 2024 is the peak of this current cycle, so last year and it seems this year we will be seeing much solar activity as it nears the peak.
Today I had a doctors appointment at our local surgery. I was asked to come in following the report of my bone scan, which showed the existence of osteopenia which can be the start of osteoporosis – or not necessarily so. The bone scan was requested by a private doctor and sent to my local surgery so I was not expecting much from my appointment at the local surgery this morning, but to be honest I was super impressed with it. I had a very comprehensive appointment with the doctor where we discussed all sorts of things, such calcium in my diet and how to prevent bone density loss and then very efficiently she had sent off a prescription to our local pharmacy to change my HRT, ordered comprehensive blood work tests, and got me booked in with the NHS physio for today as my back (and shoulder) is still causing me trouble – I had stopped the osteopathy as it was getting so expensive and I was not improving. Today my back is killing me so it was perfectly timed that I got a physio appointment today.
When I finished at the doctor I took Xena for a walk which we had to cut short as the dishwasher technician texted me to say he would be at the house sooner than expected. He came and replaced the part that was ordered after the last visit and it seems to have done the trick as it is working at last.

After lunch I went grocery shopping and then went on to the physio at the local doctors surgery in the next village. He asked many questions and took many notes, assessed my back and is recommending I get more physio and is also sending me via email some rehab exercises. It has been a beautiful day all day, sunny and bright, and when I came out of my physio appointment there was the most glorious sunset!

Tonight we have another projected digital image competition at our camera club, so I had better get supper ready as I need to leave quite soon.

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