
By Marionb

Waiting My Turn... look promised by the writing on the mirror behind the chandelier! Didn't the haircut but it just didn't do the trick! 

On to more positive things...I once again attacked my reference book collection - this time, my quilting, knitting and needlepoint books, and tossed another 35 books...So..progress is being made on my "empty-at-least-one-shelf-in-the-living-room" decluttering project...And yes, I have emptied one..but have since filled it with more books discovered in other rooms! Oops, I had forgotten about them - my needlework, collage, book-binding, art journal and card-making books! Still..there is new space available now - but upstairs in my craft and sewing rooms. The living room, alas, looks pretty much the same as it did before I started this project! I just can't seem to win....
All that took up the morning; the rest of the day was spent with my nose in a current novel is hard to put down.... 

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