
By Wildwood


This didn't quite come out high key, but the light wasn't quite cooperating. Still, as a fan of clouds, I thought these were pretty, edged with silver as they moved in front of the sun.

We had a reasonable amount of rain, though not a downpour, which I was glad about as we had our trek over to Kathy's this morning. She put tape on my knee and tape on my subluxed, arthritic  thumb joint which is quite sore. (This is apparently the joint most commonly afflicted by arthritis). She opened a new box of the therapeutic tape, and it was black with ROCKTAPE printed all over it in white...definitely not what she ordered, but it does its job of assisting circulation and supporting joints.

The countryside is beautiful this time of year. The vines are turning red and gold and and the pistache trees glow with an almost inner light. The little one that we planted after the fire hasn't grown much, but it is still gamely turning a brilliant red. the clouds have drifted around all day with intermittent periods of sunshine, but now, as it is getting dark an hour earlier, the rather dreary clouds seem to be moving in. 

We turned our clocks back on Sunday and once again there has been a spate of articles and discussion about getting rid of this twice a year time change as anachronistic and not really very popular anymore. There has been legislation to that effect, but it never seems to go anywhere, probably because there is no consensus on whether we should permanently set the clock backward or forward. There are definitely those who don't want to get up in the dark and those who would prefer to keep the extra hour at the end of the day. In this country where nobody seems to be able to agree on anything, it is just one more example of why we end up with the status quo through sheer inertia....

Spent much of the day making Dana's quilt bigger as I took it over to her house last night and we put it on her bed. I'm glad we were able to do this and that I had plenty of extra fabric to make it exactly the size she wants.

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