Day at a Time

By Tweedy

Pale Moon

In a blue sky. I snapped the moon at about 11:00. It's still high in the sky, a waning crescent at about 30%. 

A beautiful autumn day. After my regular early Tuesday zoom chat I got out into the garden. Cameraman emptied two bins of home made compost and I spread the good stuff around. I never dig it in because the worms will do the work. The resident robin was delighted. An empty bin was immediately started off with leaves. I'll need to get some wet material in there too then I can layer it with yet more leaves. I love making compost. 

We're going round to friends for lunch which will be great. It's likely to be something with a middle eastern slant. Eating at lunchtime means we won't need to cook tonight. Long gone are the days when I could eat three square meals a day.  Or eat late at night. 

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