
By Grammy

Lone Monarch

Hubby met our BIL at my mother’s early this morning to put the protective cover on our camper. It is definitely a 2-person job. On the way home, hubby picked up more meds, some wine that was on sale, homemade pizza fixings and a new kitchen faucet set. Ours has a slow drip. Parker installed one at his house so we have invited him here to gain more experience. Lol. I decided today I would read my Kindle and rest. It was a beautiful sunny Fall day. Promptly got up, washed laundry, brought my winter clothes downstairs, tried on all my shirts, separated the ones that fit between what stays here and what goes to WV, and moved all my summer clothes upstairs. Hubby came home as I went out to look for a blip. I got some acceptable shots of our knockout roses. As I got back to the patio, this Monarch was enjoying the last of the butterfly bush blooms. My neighbor “raises” Monarchs and I heard she took everything to her school. Was sorely disappointed; what a delight to see she missed one. It wasn’t real cooperative but I got at least one decent shot. My sister grew swamp Iris plants from seed. She shared three with me. Hopefully, they will flourish where I planted them today. She also recommended that I clip the leaves down to a few inches on my bearded Iris plants. While in the garden, I weeded and removed spent bee balm stalks. The load of clothes was waiting to be folded when I came in. Stopped to enjoy the pizza hubby made for lunch. Finally sat down at 3:00. Will probably fall asleep before reading one page of my Kindle. Oh well, so glad to get all those jobs behind me. Hope your day was a bit less busy. Stay safe. Thanks for visiting my journal. “Happiness is like a butterfly which, when pursued, is always beyond our grasp, but, if you will sit down quietly, may alight upon you.” – Nathaniel Hawthorne

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