Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

safe home

I woke at 6 this morning.... Of course I did! My body clock is 3 hours ahead. We managed to hold off going for breakfast till 8.30 then took an hour over it, which for me is forever! I spent some time observing the other clientelle - several air crew, a couple of families and an extraordinary number of young single women dressed in what I think is called loungewear, all with earbuds in and watching things on iPads.
We went back upstairs and had leisurely showers then lounged about in inappropriate (ie not loungewear) clothing.
Check out was at 11 and our train at 12. I was successful in getting a couple of seatfrog upgrades for £10 each, so our journey north was more comfortable, catered and quiet. By coincidence we travelled up with the woman we met on our way south two weeks ago, when all our trains were cancelled. It turned out as we chatted then and later discovered, that she was not only going on the same holiday as us and from Edinburgh, but was even in our bus group so definitely a new friend.
Scotland greeted us with a delightful November day of bright sunshine. The hills as we came up the west coast and across from Carstairs were just beautiful.
We got back on time, at 3. 30. I went and picked up the cats straight away then came home and unpacked. Two hours later the second load of washing is on.
I'm just about to head off to pick up Katy's girls from Brownies then have a sleep over with them at their house as their parents have gone to Glasgow for a concert and an overnight stay.
At least I'll be awake with them in the morning and on the ball to take them to school - as opposed to sleeping in as I usually do.
My EB is one of my orchids which has thrived in my absence.
It's good to be home but was a wonderful holiday.

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