
By Hamp5on

Lighting The Way

Happy birthday to my dad and sister!! A special time of the year for our family!
In true Ibiza style, each day is a little bit of an unknown, and today saw Danny cooking up carbonara at an early hour as a friend on the street was in need of a hot meal after being kicked off the soup kitchen list a few days ago. I'm not sure I'd want pasta for breakfast, but maybe I would if I was sleeping outside and needed warming up from the inside out. 
I went to see the ES guys and deliver post. Met a new woman there who was so so fascinating and we turned out to have quite a few things in common. Also bumped into Danny's tennis partner, John, which was lovely. 
I walked to the big supermarket late afternoon as we realised we were out of GF bread. It was so so gorgeous watching a murmuration, the birds were sweeping and swooping for ages - sadly no great photos but I've added one in extras. it brought me so much joy. I also happened to have the U2 track Window in the Skies which went perfectly with what I was seeing and feeling, ha! My main is from the walk home, Danny came to meet me and walk back through the dark industrial estate together. 
Home and the kids had made Mitch birthday cards for tomorrow. 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Having a warm and safe home.
2) Asha dealing well with a big exciting UK plan falling through. Tough to deal with but she did very well, and hopefully we can rearrange one day.
3) The joy of watching the birds full of joy.  

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