
By Hamp5on

Birthday Boy

Mitch's birthday! He was living with us for his 25th, and now again for his 27th!! The kids enjoyed putting up balloons and we made the almond and olive oil chocolate cake...Nate insisted on dinosaur candles. Not a very sharp pic, but nevermind!
Danny and I had our Thursday morning coffee sat looking over the view in extras. Then a domesticated morning shopping, cleaning the flat together, washing etc...baking the cake etc. 
Good news from Asha's dental appointment - the huge metal apparatus is being removed December 21st!! And they're waiting for some teeth to fully grow before they put on the fixed brace - so some relief for her!
Stephen and Gemma were over for community dinner and discussion this evening. Danny and Stephen didn't eat much as they have a birthday dinner with Mitch, some rugby lads and some prison lads, but in true Spanish style, not til 10,30, ha!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Danny and I getting so much done this morning.
2) Interesting chat about the podcast we listened to - Shane Clairborne on justice.
3) Celebrating Mitch.

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