curns' corner

By curns

Balcony view

Day eight of working from the Isle of Wight and with a view like this I would like it to last beyond the month we have planned. Out again for my morning walk to the seafront at Shanklin. The photo is from when I got back - just before I opened the laptop to start working. We have been very lucky with the location of this Airbnb: it has amazing views across the bay. And, of course, the weather has been unseasonably bright, clear and warmer. I could look out at this all day. Sadly, I had to do some work. 

After work we took an hour long walk to the Lidl and back. This has become the go to shop for the week even though we are walking past a bigger Co-op. The Lidl experience is different to our weekly shop back in London and I have to admits

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