curns' corner

By curns


Another day and another morning, walk out and around the seafront at Shanklin. This is a view of the bay, and there were not that many people around this morning. Although it looks a bit cloudier than some of the other days, it was still a fairly crisp November day. 

Work started with a feature request call for some new reporting APIs. I’m never sure whether these things come under my remit, but we worked through the needs anyway, but it will definitely be up to somebody else to decide whether we do the work. I spent some time testing the creation of  Markets in our platform to solve a particularly unique business problem with one of our major customers. I think we have a working solution. There was a conversation about how we could eliminate some of the product tickets to try and move things along more quickly.  I think this may be impatience with progress rather than useful effort.

In the afternoon, I had another one of my health calls. I wasn’t sure about these at first, but they’ve turned out to be quite motivational and keeping me on track with my diet and exercise program. The fact that there is a meeting in the diary and I want to report good progress is useful. The actual content of the calls less so. 

At the end of the day, there was a farewell for a colleague who is leaving. We actually have a more formal drinks event next week and I shall be going back into London for it to wish him all the best. There were some amusing stories by colleagues who have worked with him for quite awhile.

About 5:30 pm, I walked down to the centre of Shanklin to the Bedford Lodge where Mum and Dad had checked in as they are coming for the weekend to see what this Isle of Wight adventure is all about. They seemed in good spirits after their crossing. The had driven over, so we hopped in the car and I directed them back to the flat where we are staying. We cooked dinner and spent the evening in the flat planning the rest of our weekend. Hopefully they’re going to enjoy their time here.

After we had finished, we accompanied them back to their hotel, and then took our walk back up the hill. Before we retired for the night, we took one last look out at the bay in the dark. Still lovely.

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