
By pandieb


A brief foray into the garden this afternoon, but only to pick some cavelo nero for dinner later. I'm trying to stay off the grass for a few days / weeks after it got trampled on last week. I've spiked it so it should soon recover. When it stops raining.

I had a good riding lesson this morning, albeit it was colder than I thought it was and it took me ages to warm up after. It's unlike me to be cold so I definitely had the wrong clothes on.

Annoying house hold chores and jobs this afternoon. You know the ones, the fiddly replacing light bulbs / fixing the kitchen cupboard / putting new curtain hooks in / cleaning sticky bits off doors etc.. Himself is still studying but it has to be submitted on Wednesday so there is light. 

Thinking of a fellow Blipper who's had some extra worries she doesn't need today. Fingers crossed, you know who you are. X

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