
By Madchickenwoman

More Poppies.

Poppies on the Town hall in the village next to me. I had an Evri parcel to drop off and luckily the rain had stopped by the time I got there after walking Oscar in a very muddy field! I discovered the owners of the field and the poppies blipped yesterday were collecting for military dogs so i gave a donation.
Last night was Bonfire fireworks in Calstock - the usual spectacular display seen from my attic window with Oscar barking like mad! I love the end when there is a massive roar of appreciation from the people watching in the village. Car parking is a nightmare on such events and I was lucky to still have a space to park on returning after oscars walk. However I had to squeeze in between my neighbours cars and was a little out into the road - however I had no way to manoeuvre and was quite mystified at how I even got between their two cars! There were inches between each end! I let my neighbour know and apologised for blocking them in too! Luckily she had room behind her car to move back slightly so I was able to reposition! Someone remarked on facebook how as well as enjoying the fireworks he got amusement watching people trying to park in the village! He would have loved seeing my parking! 

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