Come into the Garden

By aprecious


I do not think there are enough well-known proverbs that are about dogs. So I have re-written a few...

1. Time and tide (and sausages) wait for no dog...
2. No dog is an island (apart from the Isle of Dogs...)
3. The early dog catches the sausage.
4.Doggers can't be choosers (aprecious says this one maybe a bit dodgy?)
5. Don't put all your dogs in one basket (unless it is a really big basket.)
6. Don't count your dogs before they've brought the frisbee back (and dropped it at your feet.)
7. Every dog has its day (yeah.)
8. The dog's kennel is not the place to keep a sausage (I didn't actually make this one up...)


I hope you will use these from now on, as I am sure you will agree they are somewhat better than the originals.

Who cares about birds in bushes these days?

Today I should have been swimming the Great North Swim 2 mile race, but I didn't because I just didn't have it in me. I did go for a long walk though although it may have ended in a pub and I may have drunk actual alcohol. My body is NOT a temple.

I was very ruthless with shots today, deleting as I went.

These are the other three I liked: My New Best Friend, Stick Dog and Too Far Out.

Did I mention I liked my camera?

This is the third shot I've uploaded. I think I was drunk when I first did my blip and now sober, have decided this is better!

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