
By soozaday

Walton Lighthouse, Santa Cruz Harbor

Morning walk was very dramatic, as you can see. Wonderful sky, and giant waves smashing over the breakwater, discouraging one and all from going very far out on the path. And now here it is, late afternoon, and no rain yet, after such dire predictions earlier in the week. I’ve started the first fire of the  year, just because it looks so grim out, and we are about to be very cozy here. 
As we meandered through the neighborhoods we saw some guys working on a new fence, and at their feet was a lovely pile of wood scraps which sure looked like kindling to me. Not only was it free for the taking, but the guys were gracious enough to help me fill the back of my car. When I got home, we split what we could and stacked it up; it will have to cure for a bit, but I’m very happy with my big score. 

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