Living my dream

By Mima

Upside down

…and downsides up.

The garden supervisor took her responsibilities less than seriously this afternoon. She was released from the car - where she’d been for the morning while I supervised an exam - and the sun was shining, so her priorities were all about lounging, baking, rolling and scratching her back. 

I can’t say I blame her.

There are more acrobatics in the extras.

Meanwhile I harvested the slightly immature cabbages and caulis from the tunnelhouse, then composted and watered that raised bed and planted out 13 tomato plants (8 varieties). 

I also planted six cucumber plants in the tunnel, a melon, some excess dill and basil…and then I put the water on what will be the sweetcorn bed, to be planted tomorrow.

There is rain forecast for tomorrow, so there’s a chance I’ll look at Blips.

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