It's Fathers Day today and I have been remembering my Dad. I looked through some old photos and picked out four for my blip. Unfortunately I can't seem to find any pictures with me and my Dad together. Taking photos wasn't really something which happened much when I was a child.

My Dad was called Ernie and he was born in 1923. Married Connie in 1947. He was an engineer. He served in the army and was posted to Malta towards the end of the war. He was father to 3 children. He enjoyed going to the local Working Men's Club. He passed away in 1995. The sales of Brylcreem would have dropped dramatically after he died ... he was a heavy user.

The photos I chose are:~~~

Top left - Mam and Dad - before they were married.

Top right - Dad on holiday in Morecambe in 1975.

Bottom right - Dad at The Gateshead Garden Festival in 1990. He lived quite near to the site but hadn't made the effort to go - every excuse in the book. So I forced gently persuaded him to go with me on the very last day before it closed. Think he was glad he went.

Bottom left - Dad with my children Becky and Neil - Christmas 1991

Hope all the Dads out there have had a lovely day.

The cats have been driving me mad today -no idea what's up but they have been chasing each other around, crying and getting into general mischief. Tino especially has been a right pest. Hopefully this evening they will be exhausted and will have a long, long nap. ( Just heard a crash in the kitchen...... Tino again. Will go and see what he's done!. )

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