Living my dream

By Mima

Now here’s a thing…

I was in town this morning to supervise an exam. It’s the first time I’ve been around people since Bill died. And I discovered that I’m not quite as fine as I thought I was. 

Of course this will come as no surprise to anybody - except muggins here.

That’s not to say I can’t function, or that I’m in tears…far from it. And I’ll be surprised if anybody noticed anything, but I am definitely not suffering fools this week. I had to bite my tongue several times with other supervisors, simply because they were doing things differently from me. I’m not normally quite so intolerant! 

My decision to take time out when I can is proving to be exactly what I need.

There’s another exam tomorrow which will be easier now that I know to breathe deeply, count to 10 and generally take things more carefully.

Thank you for the stars, hearts and comments for yesterday’s reflections. No surprise I’ve fallen behind again with comments and replies… I’m reading everything, I just can’t write many responses.

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