
By BowenFoto

Art is the Highest Form of Hope

My car was ready for collection from the body shop, so I drove in to town again today. The kids got their last ride to school in the pimped up Toyota Corolla. It turned out that Enterprise said the scratches were already there and not to worry about it!

I spent a lot of the day sorting out emails before the cliff-edge. The good news is that I think I found a feature in Acrobat that will take care of it (Auto Archive). I will try again tonight and see if it works.

I met my good friend Matt for lunch at a nice restaurant at the seabus station. I saw this sign at Opus Art store which oddly chimed with me. In the darkest times, we need art and culture more, not less. Also F is now a fine arts student, so I hope she shines.

Later in the day it started raining heavily. That is the price of a beautiful pink sunrise. I picked up H on the ferry - he had been wrestling at school tonight. I will try to go to the gym later. I get antsy sitting around.

Canción del día: Strange Game by Mick Jagger. I started watching Slow Horses on Apple TV+ last night. It’s very good and I look forward to watching more.

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