Egyptian Artifact?

No. Just an average dragonfly on a dusty screen door...

I spotted this guy on the screen and hesitated to even bother to climb up on the chair to get an image. I mean, he is a nice dragon, but he's on a dusty screen... I had gotten tons on pretty flower and bee shots today, why would I need this image? Well, Blipping has taught me at least one thing, what you think you have in camera may not actually be what you have once it's up on the big screen. So, I climbed up to get some backup images. It was sunny, but we were in mostly shade and I thought I may need a flash to keep it from looking dull. Boy was I wrong! The light was just right to reflect my blue shirt, the green of the leaves and my skin tone off of all the prisms in his wings. He virtually glowed. It was simply the prettiest sight.

I guess I learned another blip lesson: Go for the image even if there doesn't appear to be much to capture. You never know what you'll find behind the lens... Meant to be viewed large.
I masked out the dragon so I could darkened and convert the screen backgound to black and white without effecting the beautiful colors in the dragonfly. Other than a slight sharpen and noise reduction the dragon was left alone. I felt the need to alter the background, as it was too distracting in it's original state.

The runners-up are on flicker: A daisy-like-flower that has a tiny ring of daisy shaped stamen in the middle, an iris from a plant that I got 7 years ago which refused to flower (until I threatened it this year, "Out you go if you don't bud this summer!"), and a bee hovering over a flower (This had been my favorite until the dragon came along).

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